To edit a payroll timesheet please follow the below steps. Before following the below steps please check if the payroll batch hasn't been exported yet.
- In Workbench navigate to Batch Payroll (under Timesheets).
- Open the batch number.
- On the batch page reopen the batch by clicking the Reopen button on the top right-hand corner.
- Then click Reset Batch at the bottom left corner. Please note that after you click Reset Batch don't click Save as it will generate the batch again.
- After resetting the batch navigate to EBA Interpreter (under Timesheets).
- Use the filter parameters to set the timesheet date, timesheet group, person, etc.
- After setting the parameters click the Delete button.
- Edit the timesheet.
- Save, Complete, and Approve the edited timesheet.
Follow the below process to complete the edited timesheet.
- Generate EBA transactions from the EBA interpreter.
- From the Batch Payroll screen, you can select the same batch that was reset.
- Set the timesheet group and timesheet from the date.
- Click Save.
Workbench-> Timesheet -> Batch Payroll
Workbench -> Timesheet -> EBA Interpreter