Syncing a New Job Code to Upvise from Workbench

Workbench provides a utility called wbUtilityChangeJobCode. This procedure updates all records in the database with a new Job Code. To ensure the changes are properly reflected in Upvise, follow these steps:

Step 1: Run the Utility to Change the Workbench Job Code

  1. Execute the wbUtilityChangeJobCode utility in Workbench.

  2. Confirm that the Job Code has been updated across all relevant records.

Step 2: Perform a Manual Data Sync in Workbench

  1. Navigate to the Upvise Integration screen in Workbench.

  2. Perform a Manual Data Sync on Projects to push the updated Job Code to Upvise.

Step 3: Verify the New Project in Upvise

  1. A new project will be created with the updated Job Code.

  2. The old project will still be visible in Upvise.

Step 4: Archive the Old Project

  1. Locate the old project in Upvise.

  2. Click on the ellipsis (three-dot menu) next to the project.

  3. Select the "ARCHIVE" option.

Archiving the old project will remove it from the active project list in Upvise, ensuring that only the new Job Code is used moving forward.

Note: The integration will not update the existing upvise Project, a new Project will be created with the New Code.

Related: How do I change a Job Code?