For more detailed information please visit our wiki page Workbench Wiki - Users

Option 1 - copy an existing person: +From Person List button 

In 4.6.12 we introduced the ability to use an existing person and copy the User data from another.

Option 2 - copy an existing user: +From Existing User button 

As per Option 2 but most details from Main, Contact, Settings, and Email tabs need to be added

Option 3 - manual: +New User  button

For this option we'll assume that the new user will be an Employee with a login

Main tab:

populate Surname, First Name, and select the Company

if the user is an Employee, tick the "Is Employee" flag

if the user also needs a Login, tick the "Has Login" flag

then populate the Login Code and select a Site Map Profile

Employee Detail tab (displays when the Is Employee is ticked)

Employee No and Employee Class need to be populated

Application Access tab 

For each section select at least 1 of each item: Reporting Groups, Profit Centre Groups, Licences, and Roles 

The above is the minimum required to set up a new user in Workbench.

Here is a quick video that will show you how to create a user: Workbench Guides - Administration Guides